Opera Wheres

Circle Songs - Anthony Roth Costanzo and Friends

December 22, 2023 Aulinda Season 1 Episode 4
Circle Songs - Anthony Roth Costanzo and Friends
Opera Wheres
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Opera Wheres
Circle Songs - Anthony Roth Costanzo and Friends
Dec 22, 2023 Season 1 Episode 4

Warning: This is not a serious review or critics. 
I might sound really off because I am really sick right now. However, I hate procrastination so this episode is out right now! I shouldn't be so obsessed with Anthony but whatever, we were all once young . 
As always, if you wanna talk to me just send an email to aulindatang@gmail.com. See you in my next episode.

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Feel free to follow me on social medias! #aulindaspick I do opera recommendations!

Show Notes Transcript

Warning: This is not a serious review or critics. 
I might sound really off because I am really sick right now. However, I hate procrastination so this episode is out right now! I shouldn't be so obsessed with Anthony but whatever, we were all once young . 
As always, if you wanna talk to me just send an email to aulindatang@gmail.com. See you in my next episode.

Send Aulinda a Text Message

Support the Show.

Email: aulindatang@gmail.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/skr_frv/
Twitter (now day X): https://twitter.com/aulinda_w

Feel free to follow me on social medias! #aulindaspick I do opera recommendations!

Good morning, good noon, good afternoon, good evening, good night. Is your friend Aulinda Wei here again. I know that from Mondays episode I told the whole universe that the next podcast will be about the magic flute. But clearly… is about Anthony Roth Costanzo.

As most of the people that familiar with me known, I just love Anthony, and that love beyond his talent as a countertenor but more of him as a person. There are, existing some traits of him I just like. I mean, we are all super obsessed with somewhat famous people or celebrities when we are young, I don’t know what can I say if you are judging me on that. 

Alright, so it is yesterday, which is the December twientith. I went to one of the Circle songs series produced by PAC NYC, which is the Anthony Roth Costanzo and Friends one. Omg how many times I’m going to say his name in this episode…from that very direct name we’ll learn that it is basically just Anthony and a bunch of his musician friends giving out a nice little concert.

So I arrived there, 20 minutes prior the performance begin. And, when you saw the drum kit and keyboards, you must realize that it isn’t going to be a pure classical performance. I mean AT LEAST keyboard or electronic piano was invited around d late 1920s. I was there and I was like, oh (curse) things are getting interesting today but I know u participate in the celebration of a Stephen schewartz concert but pls don’t turn yourself into a musical singer please Anthony.

However, that performance or concert or circle songs or whatever did sounds like a musical collection, pretty chill and interesting songs we are getting. A thing that I was wondering for the whole 75 mins is that why the heck he used a mic when singing with his operatic voice???? I’m a Apple Watch user, and basically for the whole time I’m getting that noise notifications, it is sounding so weird and extremely loud that I found myself in a… rock and roll concert? Kinda of that sense. Nothing bad about a rock and roll opera singer i mean but stop hurting my ears please. I’m sorry. We are all New Yorkers and that I understand we live in the city of chaos but I just having difficulties dealing with that 95 dB for more than half an hour.

Going back to that circle songs, I mean, no more complainings about New York because we are actually a serious podcast even though I never believe that. At the beginning of the circle songs Anthony just said, oh I might disappoint some people who was expecting a classical concert. And I was like, see I’m so smart. That’s how you react as a ex-Stuyvesant high school math team kiddo who gets kicked out because can’t score more than 90 on the AMC10 and skip all of the team practices for concerts. I’m talking way too much about my personal life but whatever, you got my point.

You see the word friends in the title of the concert, how can you not expect some random stuff about relationship and all of that sorts of drama. So it actually turns into a concert where Anthony just sing songs about all of his past relationships or to be specific and accurate, people he slept with. Glad that those children I saw received some early sex education in this way. 1 ticket for 2, great deal. That parent must be a great mathematician.

Talks about mathematician, we did hear about a Princeton math gay guy who thinks he can play piano. Thinks, T H I N K S. What a great verb to emphasize. let me, a self-identified child tell you. That intj type of math guy stands for nerd, NERD. It is a kind of relationship that exist to be break. Never have that kind of romantic expectations to them. You want a romantic guy? Go to art or literature major. Math guys exist not only to help you do those nessary calculations about coupons at Black Friday but also to teach you a lesson, never date them.

I’m continue writing this script in the subway. You can see all sorts of people in the shbway, including those homosexuals, it reminds me of that homosexual aka gay couple sitting next to me last night. Interesting thing I’m wondering is that the couple felt kinda repentful for being at a circle songs concert where the main artist just talks about how he just kept finding new people and dumped old ones. Please next time just come alone and you can actually apply all of the knowledge and strategy of how to dump people to your partner. 

The theme and tone of this podcast went a little off, but I kinda lose that ability of saying some serious things. I’m in a pretty high mood these days, to clarify I’m not drunk I’m not taking drugs,(you ask me why so hot cuz I’m Italiano) Credit to the song Mamamia by Maneskin. After the concert I even send some random DMs that I now very ashamed of to Anthony, thanks god he didn’t block me anyway. The circle songs is the most surprising concert I ever went. It just feels so nice. I appreciate it deeply from my soul, I love when the combination of dramatic gay stories and music.

I was wondering what else can I say but I’m out from the subway right now and magically lose the ability of writing scripts so I’ll probably ends here and start walking to The Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine and preparing myself for El Niño: Nativity Reconsidered. I don’t know why I stated the full name but whatever, I purchased two tickets by accident but I’m the only one who’s coming….interesting…another day of wasting parents money yeah yeah. That’s what will happpen if you flirting too much and causes a bad reputation and don’t have friends. DONT BE LIKE ME.

I Guese that will be the end of this podcast, as always thank you for listening, any question please email
aulindatang@gmail.com. I’m going for El Niño. See you in next episode